Wednesday, 12 July 2017

You are a strong girl.
A strong independent woman, who can go out and eat alone at restaurants, and actually enjoy the food and your own company instead of thinking about what other people around you are thinking.

Maybe the waiter pities you, or that couple on the adjoining table make fun of you. Maybe that group of girls think that you are weird. May be you really are, but you are so much more than that.

You are unique. You love spending time with yourself, eating alone is actually therapy for you.

You think that the waiter is really kind and helpful, the couple is so in love as they laugh together, that group of girls is having so much fun amongst themselves.

Being alone doesn't necessarily mean that you are sad. It means that you find positivity being lost in your own thoughts, the happy memories of your past, the silly thing that your neighbor's dog did this morning, that name that your grandma called you with last night 'cause she couldn't remember your real

name, or just that pun you thought of when you overheard a conversation in the lift.

Being on your own is so peaceful because you can concentrate on your own thoughts, without having to debate with someone whose opinion doesn't matter. You think of making better use of "your" time. Like colour schemes, new flavor combinations, or just penning down your thoughts so your friends can read it and know that being alone is really not that bad at all 🙂

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